A long long time ago, back in late February, when we could think of things that were not Covid related, a challenge was extended to the artists of the East. The challenge was to make seven identical items to give as largesse to the incoming Crown at their Spring Coronation. I saw the challenge and was like, "Wait, I can do that, no problem." Then I thought, "You know what? I bet I could make seven different sets of seven identical items."
So I did.
But then Covid. Suddenly nothing was happening. So I thought, "You know what? I bet I could make seven more sets of seven identical items."
So I did.
Now I am starting on my third set of seven sets of seven identical items. Since I have tons of beads kicking around more earrings and more necklaces are very likely. More books and notebooks are likely since I always need to practice binding. I am also considering giving some of these to the Baronies of the East instead of the Crown because the Crown is already getting at least 98 piece of largesse.
All of the pieces I made are based on or inspired by historical examples. When I say inspired, I mean for example the leather notebooks are inspired by the general period use of the long stitch in book binding but there are no examples of those notebooks in period. However, they do have a nice in period feel and blend nicely into an SCA event.
ETA: As of July 31, I have made over 200 pieces of largesse. I don't have pictures of all the seven x seven sets because I became repetitive while working on my fourth set
Paternosters made with beads, silk thread, and cotton thread tassels. |
Safety pins made with 16 gauge "brass" craft wire, to be given in sets of three. |
Long stitch notebooks made with leather and waxed linen thread. |
Wire rings made with 18 gauge "brass" craft wire. |
Byzantine earrings with fresh water pearls. |
Close up of pearl earrings. |
Byzantine earrings with green glass tear drop beads. |
Close up of earrings. |
Twisted wire veil pins made of sterling silver wire, to be given in sets of two. |
Roman/Egyptian earrings. Brass craft wire with glass pearls and glass green beads. | |
Roman earrings made with glass beads. |
Close up of earrings. |
Wrist Clasps made of 16 gauge "brass" craft wire. |
Various lengths of lucit cord made with gold and purple bamboo yarn. |
Bonus Craft! I made needle cases for the veil pins and the safety pins. Cases made from gold and purple felt. |
Roman style necklaces made with various glass, stone, and metal beads. |
Fibula made with 14 gauge "brass" wire and glass beads. |
Wee penannular brooches made of 14 gauge brass wire. |
Hair forks made of 14 gauge brass wire. |
Hair pins made of 14 gauge copper wire. Only five of them because I ran out of wire. |
Hand bound hardcover books. Covers are blind tooled leather. |
Close up of one of the books. They all have different patterns on them. |
More long stitch notebooks made with leather and waxed linen thread. |
Spectacle fibula made of 16 gauge copper art wire. |
More fibula made of 16 gauge copper art wire and blue ceramic beads. |
Viking bead spacers/hangers made of 12 gauge copper and brass wire.