Thursday, September 1, 2016

Wednesday Night Practice Aug 31

Last night at practice, I learned that J and I are the same fencer.  We double killed each other 75% of the time, mostly in the same or similar places.  Of course, when I start fighting her when she has her buckler, that will be a whole different story.

I worked with Ll on off hand parries, which I need a lot of work on, especially when I get past first intentions.  He (and others) noted I need to keep it forward in lunges.   He also mentioned that lefties like to take the outside line and it is true.  I do feel more in control when I have the outside line.  So I tired to spend the rest of the time on the inside line in order to help make that feel more comfortable.  It wasn't until I was driving home that I realized why that was.  When a lefty is fighting a righty, taking the outside line means that their blade is an easy parry with the off hand.  The inside line puts their blade on the other side of your blade and your off hand has to cross over (or under) your blade to parry.  So, at least to me, it feel much safer to have the outside line because I feel more confident in my ability to parry their blade.

All of that is to say, I need to get better at parrying both inside and outside.

My foot work is the worst.

I used E's longer, heavier sword vs. C's shorter, lighter sword and my arm could tell, but the reach was much better than the shorter sword.

Fighter head space is still a work in progress, with very little progress this week.  I think this is going to be one of the hardest things to learn for me.

Fencing this weekend at Smoking Rocks' Investiture.  I am hoping to fight in the melee, though I might have to retain during the tournament.  Next week, I have to work on Thursday night so I am unlikely to get to Cambridge practice but I plan on hitting the Wednesday practice, good lord willing and the creek don't rise. 

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